Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013


how can just a simple cold put me down for two full days? today is the second day I had to call in sick at work because of this simple cold. hubs had to go get me more meds to try to kill this virus. one bonus was he made a fabulous chicken tortilla soup night. the bad thing is I can't go back to running until this is out of my system.  so come monday we are back to day 1 again.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


it is amazing how clouded my head gets with just a cold!  i sound like a simpson character and seem to have lost my ability to multi-task. focus only on one thing is all i seem to be able to do today, which isn't a good thing at work. my co-workers seem to avoid me when i cough so i put a sign above my monitor saying please be nice to me.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


quick and dirty - yes we ran last night and it was humid. yes there was foot pain but considering the rest of my body hurt, the foot pain was masked.

day 2 tomorrow....

Monday, November 4, 2013

starting again

Today is the day I planned to start running again.  I have been a complete slacker. Fear is the strongest deterrent.

I used to run. I wasn't fast ever, but I did run. I got injured - learned what an IT band really does - and fear kept me from trying to run again. That was years and years ago. Last year I started to run again. Felt okay and then my right foot started hurting more. That pain would happen off and on and if I tied my shoe losely, it wouldn't hurt as much. Or so I told myself. b was worried so I made an appointment to get my foot checked out.  According to the doc, I had a stress fracture and a bone spur.  Surgery and a lovely boot was my life for a couple of months. Off and on my foot still hurts and I am scared.

Either way my goal is to start slowly again and run along side my hubs tonight. Here's hoping it goes swimmingly....


Friday, November 1, 2013

who am I??

I feel so uncomfortable introducing myself.  In a nutshell, I am a happily happily happily married 40 - something chick who loves disco, using lowercase letters and just hanging out with my hubs. We have been married for almost 2 years and i fondly call him b... we met later in life and are wanting to start a family if we are ever able. Time is not on our side :(

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Welcome to Life with hubs...

My first question is always why does someone start a blog? For me, I wanted a new avenue of thought and reflection. A new way to think, a new way to connect.  Ah, well really I would love new friends, and confirmation that I am not the only one out there that thinks the way I do.

Either way, welcome!! And, Happy Halloween!!
